Baby teeth sometimes emerge with no pain or discomfort at all. At other times, you may notice: What are symptoms of Teething? 1) They're dribbling more than usual 2) Gum is sore and red where the tooth is coming through 3) They have a mild temperature 4) They have flushed cheek 5) They might have a rash on their face 6) They're rubbing their ear 7) They're dribbling more than usual 8) They're gnawing and chewing on things a lot 9) They're more fretful than usual 10) They're not sleeping very well These are some of the common symptoms. For more information please Visit, Dr Rashmi Singh Chauhan Pediatric Dentist at Chauhan's Dental Care Dentist in Baner Address: 302, Third Floor, Austin Belvedere, Ganaraj Chowk, Opposite Reliance Digital, Baner Road, Baner-Balewadi 411045 Contact Us: 9405612371 9834093554 Website: www.chauhansdentalcare.com Instagram: chauhansdentalcare Facebook Page: Dr Chauhan's Dental Care