Root Canal Treatment
This is the ultimate treatment if filling is not done on time and the caries has penetrated the tooth reaching upto the nerves of teeth The decision whether the tooth is a candidate for the above treatment can be made only on dental chair by our expertise after evaluating the concerned tooth clinically,understanding patient’s sign and symptoms and by proper X-rays. As Patients themselves say “Tooth pain is the worst of all,reaching entire half of my face and head” makes us feel more willing to relieve our patient in the most caring and by least painful treatment modality which we practice in our dental clinic Treatments: 1) Root Canal Treatment(Permanent Tooth)-Posterior 2) Root Canal Treatment(Permanent Tooth)-Anterior 3) Single Sitting Root Canal Treatment 4) Post Obturation Restoration 5) Core Build-Up 6) Re-Root Canal Signs and symptoms: If you feel severe pain starting automatically which lasts for several hours,no relief by pain killers,pain increases at night,pain while consuming hot foodstuff and pain on eating Takeaway care: First sitting will be a longer appointment with us under local anaesthesia hence eating restriction may be there for atleast an hour.Antibiotics may be started as well Slight discomfort may be present but it will be on decreasing trend which is absolutely normal.